Residential Awnings by Victorian Awning Company

In a previous news item (Link here) We spoke about the advantages to be gained from the installation of a Residential Awning but sometimes installation it is not a always straightforward due to the complexity of design and amount of cosmetic detail often to be found on homes or a more traditional design and build.
The stunning installation depicted here presented particular problems in respect of where, and how, to fit the essential awning steel sliding/pivoting arms especially since, on the in-line installation of three Victorian awnings shown, they would have to be precisely in line for maximum aesthetic effect.
Fortunately, our newly installed bespoke forming machine we have installed in our London factory allowed us to shape the traditional side arms to an accuracy the original Victorian era awning manufacturer could only dream of.
At the Victorian Awning Company we will always manufacture our Victorian awnings to faithfully reproduce their classic lines but, where technology allows us to exceed expectation, we will not hesitate to invest in this technology.
The Victorian Awning – A Very British Awning
The Victorian Awning has long been regarded as an elegant and timeless solution to complete any shopfront or fascia. The Victorian is hand-crafted and its features include a classic hardwood housing, steel-forged arms and a specially developed weather-proof fabric covering. These features give the awning a traditional, yet robust quality which is much sought after across the world. The awning is also extremely customisable and has been used in a broad range of applications to achieve a contrasting aesthetic. Read More